Our Process

Streamlined & Simplified

Embarking on a business sale or transition can be a complex and stressful journey, marked by intricate details, considerations, and numerous challenges. At CMBB, we understand the challenges, and our commitment lies in making the transition as smooth and straightforward as possible..

Family Office Training

Initial Consultation

We begin with a detailed discussion to understand your business, your personal goals, and unique needs. This sets the foundation for a tailored acquisition/Exit strategy.

Private Equity Consulting

Assessment & Valuation

After thoroughly assessing your business, Finacials, operations and growth potential, we arrive at a valuation by employing the afore-outlined methodology.

Private Equity Consulting

Personalized Transition Plan

Develop a customized transition plan, addressing Key issues like employee retention, operational continuity, and any specific considerations important to you and/or unique to your business.

Private Equity Consulting

Due Diligence & Sales Agreement

After Due diligence which allows us to lay the groundwork for a seamless integration, we Work closely with our legal and financial experts to structure a A Purchase and Sales Agreement

Let's Talk!